Selenite is pure white light encapsulated in physical form and is a must-have for every spiritual practitioner. The immense energies of Selenite knows no boundaries when it comes to the restoration of our own auric field and spiritual body. Selenite slices through the air cleansing and recharging any environment it's placed in. It is one of our favorite stones to help remove negative energies that may have been picked up throughout our daily routines. Meditating with a piece over your third eye or crown chakra will allow you to raise your own awareness and intuition levels. Simply put, the expansion effect translates past our own realm and into the dimensions of the dream world. Thoughts, ideas, and visions become more clear, consciously and subconsciously, while awake and asleep.
These invocations directly affect our day-to-day life and can push us into a direction that alters the course of our life path for the greater good. To get the most out of your Selenite, try having a piece on you each day, in addition to on your bedside each night! This mineral holds no negative energy and is a tool that can cleanse and recharge your favorite stones and your personal auric field. To achieve this cleansing capability, place the stones you’ve most recently worked with or purchased near or on your Selenite piece and invoke purity into your crystal armory.